Vail Lake Challenge: 3/11/18

In the world of racing there are so many factors that go into one day. Between the following: nutrition, sleep, training, hydration, mental focus, recovery and life circumstances.

Going into this race, I was both excited and interested to see how my legs/body would hold up considering how I had felt that week. Sometimes you can prepare to the best of your abilities, but when it comes down to the line, minutes before you start, your body just doesn't understand that it NEEDS to be ready. 

Off from the start line, I decided I would see if I could stick with top five. It didn't feel too rough until we got to the end of the first fire road climb. Although I knew we were only starting, my whole body wasn't on the same page, so I settled my mental focus and prepared for a tough race. The "Tunnel of Love" is always the fun part of the course, full of dips and rolling humps! Lately, I've found descents to be much more enjoyable on my bike aka "Black Beauty" (after the horse) because of my ability to flow more smoothly. It also helped that it had rained a bit that weekend, so us riders got to jam on some hero dirt! 

The second lap was more of a survival game. At this point my legs were whispering, "Hey Hayley we're dying down here!", but I fought to ignore the negative feelings. Passing the feed zone, I didn't take a bottle since I hadn't drank that lap ( yikes!). I focused more so on my pedal consistency and breathing ability on the ascent to the Tunnel of Love this time around. Following after this segment is the Air Force short climb which is always fun to hit because of the speed you can accumulate! The remainder of the lap is full of a couple small climbs and switchback-ish downhills. 

Now, the last lap, I was feeling much more motivated and empowered! All of my teammates and coaches cheered me on plenty. They would encourage me that I was closer to 5th now. I had a few more factors this time around because you have to pass the other division riders safely and this course was mostly single track. I made sure to do so safely and would tell them good job if I could muster up enough breath. In the end of the race, I finished 6th place with a pretty ordinary finish. 

Something I have been learning is to always be proud of myself when I give 100% in a race. In past years, I used to tell myself "you could have done better". If I got 4th or 5th, I would think that I could have pushed it more, but in the end I had tried my best. Although this race wasn't a podium finish, it was a position that I EARNED with all my might... and for that I am thankful. It is painful races like these that teach me what it means to always be humble and to strive to be extraordinary.

Looking back in retrospect upon the week leading to the race, I can see where I may have sabotaged myself. It's the simple things like taking care of ourselves that we need to think about sometimes. Especially being a full time student in high school has it's difficulties, but it is all about a balance. 

I have to thank God for showing me what real strength is always. Thank you to all of my sponsors for leading my bike to a problem-free race! I always feel lightning fast because of the support all of you provide. I want to thank my Dad, my coaches, and the entire team for always supporting me no matter what. I was also very thankful that the one and only, Kahlo Chitraroff, could come and cheer me on! 

I appreciate everyone's enduring support and could not thank you enough for joining me on this adventure!

 That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

2 Corinthians 12:10


  1. I can relate so, so, soooo much to the mental challenge (especially at this race I struggled tbh). Even when I was Irish dancing I felt that way, and it was a judged sport so there wasn’t even that much I could do! Lol! I definitely can understand having to take a step back and looking at the bigger picture. I even commented on that on my own Vail blog.

  2. So proud of you, and all that you are accomplishing :-)


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